We are a nationwide movement of commonsense Americans from both parties and no party who reject extremism, embrace commonsense, and believe America only works when we work together.

We are a nationwide movement of commonsense Americans from both parties and no party who reject extremism, embrace commonsense, and believe America only works when we work together.

A Dangerous Moment for America

No matter who wins the 2024 election, half the country will be devastated and angry. Powerful voices on the losing side may not be willing to move on. To get through this dangerous period, America needs a bloc of House and Senate members—from both parties—willing to be voices of reconciliation and bipartisan problem solving.

This is the work of No Labels.

A Dangerous Moment for America

No matter who wins the 2024 election, half the country will be devastated and angry. Powerful voices on the losing side may not be willing to move on. To get through this dangerous period, America needs a bloc of House and Senate members—from both parties—willing to be voices of reconciliation and bipartisan problem solving.

This is the work of No Labels.

Politics is Full of Arsonists

We Are the

America’s political divisions are no accident—they’re fueled by politicians and provocateurs who thrive on anger and fear. They profit while abandoning compromise, leaving our problems unsolved.

Americans pay the price with an insecure border, rising debts, higher costs, global threats, and growing disillusionment.

Politics is Full of Arsonists

We Are the

America’s political divisions are no accident—they’re fueled by politicians and provocateurs who thrive on anger and fear. They profit while abandoning compromise, leaving our problems unsolved.

Americans pay the price with an insecure border, rising debts, higher costs, global threats, and growing disillusionment.

so, Where are the leaders who will put country over party?

so, Where are the leaders who will put country over party?

No Labels exists to find, support, and ensure their success.

We stand apart but not alone.


We identify and unite leaders in both parties who are willing to buck party leadership and govern with common sense. We inspired the creation of the problem solver caucus and host regular “bicameral” meetings between House and Senate leaders, which have fostered major legislative victories such as COVID relief in 2020 and the Infrastructure Bill in 2021.


We are a political home for the politically homeless. We cultivate, educate, and empower citizens who want more civility, commonsense and governing for common good, including through our No Labels Small Group meetings and regular communications on policy and politics.


We mobilize our members to support the campaigns of allied House and Senate members in both parties. This creates an independent support base for courageous elected officials, enabling them to fend off primary challenges from partisan activists and extremists who punish leaders for seeking bipartisan solutions.



We’re not waiting to improve politics tomorrow; we’re doing it now.

From launching the Problem Solvers Caucus to hosting bicameral meetings and leading the Unity Ticket for the 2024 election, we take bold actions others won’t.

We dare to try, fail, and try again—that’s the American way.

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We’re not waiting to improve politics tomorrow; we’re doing it now.

From launching the Problem Solvers Caucus to hosting bicameral meetings and leading the Unity Ticket for the 2024 election, we take bold actions others won’t.

We dare to try, fail, and try again—that’s the American way.

The Only Thing Missing From Our Movement

Is you.

We need every American disgusted by the political status quo to join us in improving it.

We welcome those who identify as Republican, Democrat, independent, and anything in between—because we believe that everyday citizens in opposing parties share more in common with each other than with the extremes on their own side.

What unites us is a belief that enduring solutions to our problems only happen when both sides work together.

If you agree, join us today.

The Only Thing Missing From Our Movement

Is you.

We need every American disgusted by the political status quo to join us in improving it.

We welcome those who identify as Republican, Democrat, independent, and anything in between—because we believe that everyday citizens in opposing parties share more in common with each other than with the extremes on their own side.

What unites us is a belief that enduring solutions to our problems only happen when both sides work together.

If you agree, join us today.